During six days of intensive training at the Museum of the History of Polish Jews (MHPJ) in Warsaw, Poland, 10 experienced Polish educators learned how to use USC Shoah Foundation’s Visual History Archive in their educational practice.
Students and faculty have three unique and exciting opportunities to get involved with USC Shoah Foundation beginning this summer.
I did not sleep well last night. It was not the kind of sleeplessness brought on by jet lag, stress or workload. It is best described as a kind of numbness that leaves one physically discharged, emotionally drained and deeply troubled.
I just completed one the most sedentary days I’ve had in months, just sitting in a chair listening to one of the most intelligent, sophisticated, gentle, yet strong people I know tell me about his life.
The first in-classroom pilot of IWitness in Rwanda will take place next week at Kagarama Secondary School in Kigali.