Anita Lasker-Wallfisch had a lucky moment while being processed at the Sauna in Auschwitz-Birkenau. One of the girls processing her asked her what she did prior to landing in that place of unspeakable horror. “I played the cello,” she answered. That surreal conversation, not far from the gas chambers at Birkenau, would save her life. As a member of the Auschwitz women's orchestra, playing the cello meant respite from heavy labor.
Auschwitz should never have existed, so why are we so keen to cling onto it? Would it not be reasonable to scrub it from the landscape, remove the very thought of what it represents from our minds, recognize it as the cemetery it is, then grass it over and leave the dead to rest in peace?
USC Shoah Foundation - Instytut Historii Wizualnej i Edukacji i Państwowe Muzeum Auschwitz-Birkenau w Oświęcimiu wesprze oficjalne obchody 70. rocznicy wyzwolenia Auschwitz, które odbędą się 27 stycznia 2015 r. realizując ogólnoświatowy program informacyjny i edukacyjny „Auschwitz - Przeszłość jest obecna”.