Visit Echoes & Reflections for comprehensive programming and resources about the Holocaust especially designed for educators so they can gain the skills, knowledge, and confidence to teach this topic effectively.
On January 27, 2020, the bipartisan bill passed in the House with nearly unanimous support. Today, it passed the senate with complete support and is now on its way for the president's signature.
A Dél-Kaliforniai Egyetem (USC) Soá Alapítvány
nemzetközi oktatási programja Magyarországon
MOST jelentkezhet a magyarországi program kilencedik évfolyamára!
Jelentkezés az online jelentkezési lap kitöltésével!
Online képzés: június 22-26.
Online kurzus (önálló tanulás): június 27 – július 15.
Jelentkezési határidő: 2020. május 31.
The National Association for Armenian Studies and Research (NAASR) will feature full access to the public of the USC Shoah Foundation’s Visual History Archive (VHA) of over 54,000 testimonies. One of the world’s leading Armenian Studies centers, NAASR advances education and scholarship through supporting and connecting scholars globally and providing outstanding programming to the general public. NAASR plans to conduct outreach with schools, colleges, libraries, and other institutions in order to spread awareness about the availability of the VHA at NAASR’s headquarters.
“Continuity, Escalation, and Local Actors: The Hamidian Massacres and the Armenian Genocide”
Mehmet Polatel
2019-2020 Center Junior Postdoctoral Research Fellow
April 13, 2020
Panama’s Jewish community is commemorating Yom HaShoah virtually this year with a week-long series of thematic Instagram posts that will integrate clips from USC Shoah Foundation’s Visual History Archive.
In memory of the six million killed, Panama Friends of Yad Vashem coordinated a six-day campaign focused on survivor families in Panama, the 75th anniversary of the liberation of Auschwitz, and community commemorations of Yom HaShoah.