Scholastic Partners with IWitness

Scholastic is joining forces with USC Shoah Foundation to promote IWitness and IWitness Video Challenge to teachers on its print and online platforms.

Scholastic will host IWitness videos and Video Challenge entry information on’s Teachers Channel website, emails and e-newsletters to teachers and administrators, and the back-to-school issue of The New York Times Upfront, the New York Times’ classroom magazine.

Teachers Channel receives 2.2 million unique visitors a month and The New York Times Upfront has 400,000 student subscribers. 300,000 teachers and administrators receive emails and e-newsletters from Scholastic.

USC Shoah Foundation’s educational website IWitness provides students and teachers access to more than 1,300 full life histories and testimonies of survivors and witnesses to the Holocaust and other genocides for guided exploration, multimedia projects, activities and lessons. The testimonies come from USC Shoah Foundation’s Visual History Archive, which contains almost 52,000 audiovisual testimonies from the Holocaust and other genocides conducted in 57 countries and in 33 languages.

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