Echoes and Reflections Trainings Around the Country in July and August

Fri, 07/11/2014 - 5:00pm

Dozens of Echoes and Reflections professional development seminars and workshops will be held across the country over the summer months, providing educators the opportunity to learn about teaching the Holocaust through testimony and the most up-to-date pedagogical strategies.

Seminars ranging from one week to one day will be offered throughout July and August in Long Beach, New York, Philadelphia, Dallas, Tulsa, and more. Teachers may view all offerings and sign up at

Echoes and Reflections is a multimedia Holocaust education program that provides US secondary educators with professional development and print and online resources to teach about the Holocaust in today's classrooms. It combines the resources and competencies of three world leaders in education―the Anti-Defamation League, USC Shoah Foundation and Yad Vashem ―resulting in the most comprehensive Holocaust education program available.

Echoes and Reflections includes everything educators need to teach the complex issues of the Holocaust, including primary source documents, photographs and testimony clips of Holocaust survivors from USC Shoah Foundation’s Visual History Archive. Each lesson within the Echoes and Reflections Teacher’s Resource Guide explores a different aspect of the Holocaust and encourages students in grades 6-12 to build an authentic and comprehensive portrait of the past as they frame their own thoughts, resulting in a deeper level of interest and inquiry.

The newly-designed Echoes and Reflections teacher’s resource guide website launched at the end of June. The guide has been updated to reflect current scholarship in Holocaust education and modified instructional strategies. There are also new activities for students, new primary source documents and artwork, and opportunities for students to reflect and respond to different topics. The guide also shows how each lesson addresses Common Core State Standards.

The new website provides downloadable PDFs of all the documents and handouts for each lesson. Teachers can also play testimony clips directly from the website (in addition to the DVD provided with each Teacher’s Resource Guide) and connect directly with IWitness, USC Shoah Foundation’s interactive educational website.