Echoes and Reflections and IWitness at Holocaust Teacher Workshop, Long Beach

The Eugene and Eva Schlesinger Endowed Teacher Workshop on the Holocaust at California State University, Long Beach, July 13-17 will include instruction on both Echoes and Reflections and IWitness.

The one-week workshop features talks by noted Holocaust historians, presentations by teacher leaders, talks by Holocaust survivors, and high-quality classroom resources focused on the history of the Holocaust. The institute provides teachers with information about the historical context and major events of the Holocaust, as well as more detailed examination of particular themes that change each year. This summer’s workshop will focus on patterns of genocide in comparative context.

IWitness is a free educational website developed by USC Shoah Foundation primarily for middle and high school students. The award-winning educational platform brings the first-person stories of survivors and witnesses of genocide from the Institute’s Visual History Archive to students via multimedia-learning activities that are accessible via Macs, PCs, iPads, and tablet devices connected to the Internet.

Echoes and Reflections is a multimedia professional development program for secondary school teachers in the United States that provides them with accurate and authentic Holocaust information for their classrooms.  Programs are held around the country at no cost to teachers or schools, and participants receive a complimentary copy of the 10-part Teacher’s Resource Guide that equips them with the tools they need to help today’s students study the Holocaust as a significant event in human history.

Register here. There is no fee to participate and teachers receive a $200 stipend.

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